Juanita Friday Market Branding Campaign. Logo Design/Art direction. Additional outreach including but not limited to a-boards, signage, brochure, banners and social media advertising. This re-branding campaign happened in January 2020 right before COVID-19. Due to pandemic, Juanita Friday Market didn't happen in 2020 but has returned for Summer 2021. (Bottom) Juanita Friday Market Logo Generation. This project took several iterations before we came to a consensus on final brand.
Juanita Friday Market Logo Generation
Infographics Project: Icon Design, Progress Report and Public Works Transportation Master Plan report cover.
Project Manager: Blair Daly
Project Manager: Blair Daly
Kirkland Corporate Business Card Design. Designer, Creative Director and Project Manager
Economic Development Project. Startup 425 is a collaborative effort to expand entrepreneurship opportunities across Eastside communities. Boost Your Business: Tools and Resources for Going Digital is targeted at sustaining and growing the small businesses and getting small businesses back up and running during/post pandemic on the Greater Eastside. Created Boost Your Business web banner, materials folder and social media ads to promote small business initiatives.
Stormwater Division projects promoting healthy and responsible wetland and storm drain care. (Left) Trade show public outreach booth banner.
Pencil Illustration of Kirkland by Joey (the paintbrush) Masciotra. (Middle) Stormwater InfoPoster. (Right) Storm drain social media ad. Project Manager: Betsy Adams
Pencil Illustration of Kirkland by Joey (the paintbrush) Masciotra. (Middle) Stormwater InfoPoster. (Right) Storm drain social media ad. Project Manager: Betsy Adams
Report Cover Projects. Designed report covers for every City department in Kirkland. Here are a couple examples.
Additional Kirkland Branding. For a variety of Kirkland clients, communications, initiatives and publications including web logo for City website www.kirklandwa.gov.
Summer Sundays Project plan was to help folks return back to enjoying dining and retail on Kirkland's Park Lane. Perfect for post-COVID outdoor activities.
Campaign included posters, social media ads, a-boards and flyer. Watercolor illustration technique done using Adobe Photoshop.
Campaign included posters, social media ads, a-boards and flyer. Watercolor illustration technique done using Adobe Photoshop.